Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tree Construction is Finished!!!

It's finally finished.....well the construction at least. After trying to figure out how to make the tree, actually constructing the tree and waiting patiently for the fossil-crete stamps to arrive, Dad and Dustin came over Saturday and put the final touches on the construction of the tree. Now we get to hand the tree and nursery over to Carol Wagner on Thursday so that she can add her artistic touches to the tree as well as do some Classic Winnie the Pooh muraling in the nursery. Carol is an extremely talented artist and Kim & I appreciate her willingness to help and are excited to see what she has in store. I have posted some pics of the tree as it is right now and will also add pics of the nursery when it is completed.

Kim decided that the tree needed some branches and Dustin helped in making that happen for her.
The blue tape will come off once the tree is painted.


  1. That looks so cool you guys! Cant wait to see it when all the painting is finished!

  2. She's going to have fun playing in that. Looks great!
